Monday, June 17, 2013

Letter to Jack, Letter to Jill, Leke Adler's Tweet by Tweet

I've never mentioned this before, but i'm a major Leke Alder fan. He is the author of several business books and was the host of a weekly radio business programme, Minding Your Business with Leke Alder on 92.3 Inspiration FM. Thankfully he decided to contribute his voice to proffer solutions to the many challenges Nigeria faces and has extended that voice in the direction of relationships by way of a series of tweets tagged, #Letr2jack and #Letr2jil. They are fun, funny and  very insightful. The italicised are my comments, I'd love to see yours.

Here are my favourites:

@Leke_Alder If you choose to sow wild oats just remember that what you sow you'll reap. #Letr2Jack -For those who can't keep their eyes off all those "Luciferian satellites" as they hover through the cosmos.

@Leke_Alder: When a woman is angry, she starts having an imaginary conversation with you or a third party in her head. #Letr2Jack"-He knows me by name *faints*.

@Leke_Alder Don't date someone you can't marry. You may end up paying a very high price. #Letr2Jack---Listen up time wasters.

@Leke_Alder: A man has his own home. A man provides his own food. A man has a job. #Letr2Jack”------Word!

@Leke_Alder: Exclusivity of attention and affection are emotional and psychological anchors for a woman. #Letr2Jack" -To ensure you ship doesn't sail away.

@Leke_Alder: A woman runs an emotional subscription service. You must pay your subscription daily. #Letr2Jack -Choose your network wisely.

@Leke_Alder: The real value of those gifts and flowers lies in the opinion of other women. #Letr2Jack 
-Painfully true.

@Leke_Alder: You should have delivered it at her office, not send it to her house! It's not the same! #Letr2Jack -Don't raise those perfectly filled eyebrows, you know he's right.

@Leke_Alder: Hold her hands in public, text her during the day, buy her gifts, send her flowers, send cards. #Letr2Jack" -For starters. Abi?

@Leke_Alder: Real men don't bash women! #Letr2Jack -Need I say more?

@Leke_Alder: You'll find there are less contentious issues once you eliminate expectations that are contrary to her species. #Letr2Jack-Thats what i've been saying since the beginning of my career *sigh*.

You can follow him and don't forget to follow us too @CovenantRe

By Ijeoma Olujekun

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