With the frequency with which infidelity occurs in relationships, it is understandable that it always comes up as an object of discourse. I have written about it many times but since my first post on it, my eyes have been opened to certain truths that I'd love to share.
When choosing that special one, we are quick to say we want a God fearing person who understands how deeply important it is to keep and fulfill God’s commandments. Such person is not likely to have an affair or be caught in other messy situations we hope.
Who fits this description better than an influential man of God? One that is so deep in the Christendom that he understands what is totally wrong and what isn’t. Probably the one others look up to for strength and guidance. It is disheartening however when one reads of this men of God slipping.
The latest of such stories is Billy Graham’s grandson Pastor Tchividjian admitting to an affair before his congregation while married.
Honestly, I am not one to judge but situations such as this one can be mind puzzling. Maybe the unbelieving philanderer can’t get over his lust or doesn’t understand the sanctity of the marital bed so as to defile it but how does one explain a man of God. The one that reads the bible often enough to probably recite all its verses. The one that enjoins other people to keep the same commandments he is breaking. How does such person slip?
Affairs are not faith based, anyone can be tempted.
When choosing that special one, we are quick to say we want a God fearing person who understands how deeply important it is to keep and fulfill God’s commandments. Such person is not likely to have an affair or be caught in other messy situations we hope.
Who fits this description better than an influential man of God? One that is so deep in the Christendom that he understands what is totally wrong and what isn’t. Probably the one others look up to for strength and guidance. It is disheartening however when one reads of this men of God slipping.
Honestly, I am not one to judge but situations such as this one can be mind puzzling. Maybe the unbelieving philanderer can’t get over his lust or doesn’t understand the sanctity of the marital bed so as to defile it but how does one explain a man of God. The one that reads the bible often enough to probably recite all its verses. The one that enjoins other people to keep the same commandments he is breaking. How does such person slip?
So, how does one avoid it?
We need to do reality checks on ourselves from time to time. What things are we exposed to? There is something about the way our senses work, the things we see and listen to shape our thoughts a great deal. They stay locked away and come back to us in our quiet times. That’s why we need to constantly sanitize our thoughts. Let the words of God be in our hearts and mouths at all times. We should allow the Holy Spirit be our guide because the flesh is really weak. We should know some things are simply not edifying and so should be avoided.
We forget that being Christians doesn’t automatically protect us from getting tempted to sin and the moment we start thinking we are invincible, we become exposed. You don’t walk on the edge of a high building without risking a fall. Pastor Tchividjian was going through a really hard time coming to terms with his wife’s affair and it was during that period that he started an affair with a woman he was close to. He was very vulnerable at the time and he should have avoided establishing that kind of close relationship.
We need to be alert at all times. The devil won’t stop tempting you because you are now spirit filled and tongues speaking. The temptations will increase, let the Love for God be your guide. Understand you can’t conquer sin by yourself so when you perceive sin from miles away, please flee, then pray.
All in all, being a Christian doesn’t automatically guarantee a faithful partner. What makes a faithful partner is dependent on having the fear of God coupled with self-discipline and the grace of God.
Should we slip, we need to bear in mind that God's grace is sufficient. We should never think we are made righteous by the works of our own hands.Get on your knees and sincerely ask for forgiveness.
As always, I am still learning and would love to hear from you. Kindly share your thoughts.
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