was going through one of the popular blogs when a male colleague of mine who is
also a friend bent over my left shoulder from behind to catch a full glimpse of
my computer screen. I was reading an open letter a husband wrote to his wife
and I was taken by its sentimental nature. The author of the letter shared
details of how great his life has been since marrying his wife. My friend
joined me in reading and got really irritated in the course of reading it that
he hissed loudly and spat out that the man is such a sissy for loving his
wife so much.
it possible that a husband loves his wife too much?
guess the society is more welcoming of a woman going on and on about her
husband but even that is frowned at. We are in a society that has taught us to
mask our feelings for fear of being called weak. One is expected to settle at
that regular non exciting place after the first years of marriage excitement
fizzles out. The man’s friends probably look forward to him always making time
for drinks and probably share in their gist of a new chase while the woman is
expected to share her lows about the imperfection of men. This doesn’t necessarily
have to be the case. There is such thing as being and staying in love with one
is based primarily on love and love is one ingredient that is never too much.
I remember sitting in on a wedding sermon when the part of the
bible that says a man should love his wife even as Christ loved the church that He
gave himself for the church, was read out. The pastor tried to explain just how deep that love runs but he couldn't quite exhaust it. I believe the depth of such love is simply inexhaustible.
expression of love differs. Some of us are very loud and showy about it while
others prefer to keep it private. However way, that special person in one’s
life deserves to know just how deeply one cares and love is never too much
between a man and his wife. Love shouldn’t be weighed on a societal scale.Love as your heart leads you. Say it as much as you show it. There is freedom and happiness in expression of love.
a man doesn’t love his wife deeply and unapologetically , who will?
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