All things in our lives don’t enjoy same priority but you’d
agree with me that our love live is one of those things that should top our
list of important things. So it is alright to say when all is not well in one's love life, there is a valid reason to be bothered.
We face different challenges in our love lives but one issue
that is common to a number of us is how to stay desirable and keep the flame burning. If you use google right now typing those key words,
you’ll be bombarded with millions of materials and articles. Going through most
of the tips from different relationship experts and borrowing from my little experience, I'd share with you several points as the days go by but today we would be seeing how letting ourselves go could be a major problem.
You have heard it so many times but you need to be reminded
again never to let yourself go.
There are many aspects to this but my emphasis will be on the physical part.
This particular point
is almost inexhaustible but I will try to keep it short and precise.
Before I delve into details, bear in mind that there
is a physical aspect to relationships and that it was probably the primary
motivation before all other things were considered.
Now to the point, see there is that process of demystification
that occurs in most marriages. That period when you realize there are
no more points to lose or to be won so you let your guards down. This could be ‘justified’ considering you have
taken the vow to be together forever, but with the many cases of affairs
recorded maybe you need to pay more attention inwards.
Humans generally, especially men, have been known to be
stimulated by what they see. We all have images in our head that stimulates our
senses so the problem might arise when somethings start messing with that image
we have created in our heads. Most of are guilty from becoming overly relaxed
in the presence of your spouse. (Being relaxed is good by the way, you just don’t
want it to be overplayed).
All I am saying is we
still need to put in some work into maintaining the steam, don’t allow your
weight pile up with no care in the world. I know taking care of the children
can be exhausting but that shouldn’t stop you from wearing a decent hairstyle.
Stop pooping with the door opened or leaving used sanitary
pads where your partners can easily see.
Like I said earlier, I could go on and on but then the point
might be lost. Just bear in mind that all parts of a relationship are
- So Stay sexy,
- practice good hygiene,
- reduce the gross things you do (for instance my dad has never farted in my presence, I wonder how he does it though but you know it goes to show some things are attainable ). Nobody is saying you should become stuck up in your own home, Balance is the key thing here.
Getting married is not the end, staying happy is the goal.
Stay blessed.
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