Thing is the responsibilities are more overwhelming than I
thought and I am not even exaggerating. You’d be surprised how much strain it
can put on your romantic relationship with your spouse if you are not mindful
and prepared.it is absolutely exciting to have a new member in the family but
no matter how prepared you are, you’d discover there are a number of things
you’d learn on the job.
Since I am such a nice lady, I am going to share with you
some tips I have learnt first-hand.
Get some help if you
can. It is not really easy settling back to work and handling all the house
chores while taking care of a new child(ren). So, it is advisable to get some
form of help, it could be relatives, friends or paid help. The strength in your
arms can be saved for other things if you can easily access help from other
You should plan your sleep pattern around your child's. This is especially for new mums. I remember I was always in a constant state of fatigue after I had my child because she was always awake at really odd hours. I found a way around it by forcing myself to sleep whenever my daughter slept.
Don’t give medication
just because you presumed what could be wrong. Run the necessary tests so
as not to complicate issues. My daughter had a high fever recently and the
elderly people around me told me it was because she was teething. It was after
the results of her tests came out that it was discovered she had malaria.
Imagine if I gave her drugs just to relieve the teething pains, the malaria
could have gotten worse.
Don’t panic over
everything and anything. I am guilty of this. The first three months had me
checking for the colour of her poo, the movement of her neck, her response to
her surroundings and whatever else you can think of. Most times, the things we
worry about are always unfounded. Ione is sensitive because one is new at
parenting. I have learnt that a child might just be crying because she just
wants your attention. It is not always something serious.
There is really no
manual for the perfect way to take perfect care of your child so you should
just go with your instincts. Also bear in mind that you can never do enough for
your child. You’d discover that it is 10% work and 90% grace. This brings me to
my most important tip.
Never cease to commit your child(ren) into God’s hands. Noone
can watch over them like He will.
Truth be told, it is inexpiable the joy one feels giving one's best to one's child. I have just one now, I am looking forward to having more. I
am told there are more lessons to be learnt on patience when I have more
children. For now, these tips I shared are my chief tips. I’d love to read
from you. What have you learnt from parenting? How do you cope?
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